Name of the Research Topic


“Development and implementation of general or specific software”


Develop and implement techniques and algorithm models in the construction of informatics systems that allow to cover the general or specific needs of the different productive and social sectors, through web environment and mobile platforms, using techniques of mixed and Artificial Intelligence realities for Expert Systems; based on models and metrics that allow the assurance of quality in the development of the implemented software.

Sub-lines of Investigation:

  • Development of mobile and web applications
  • Mixed Realities (Virtual and Augmented)
  • Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
  • Software Engineering; implementation of Standards and Quality Models for the development of Software
  • ICTs as a teaching medium in the educational sector for higher education.

Name of the academic bodies and/or investigation groups relevant to the line of investigation:

  • HTEDpD Health Technology and Education Digital Platforms Developers.
  • Academic body in formation.
  • Software Development Group

Participating Professors:

  • M. en GTI. Juan Antonio Cruz Mandujano (PITC)
  • Ing. José Alfredo Martínez Coronilla (PA)
  • Ing. Rafael Montes de Oca Hurtado (PA)
  • LAD. Alonso Estrada González (PITC)

Operation start date:

January of 2018

Objective of the Group of Investigation:

Investigate, develop and implement algorithms, models and techniques for the construction of general and specific information systems, contributing to the scientific and technological development of the State of Queretaro, based on quality standards and models, focused on the specific objectives of the investigation projects.