The Politécnica de Santa Rosa is the first polytechnic university in Mexico, and the only one in the State of Querétaro, with the Bilingual, International and Sustainable (BIS) Model, a model which is Avant-guard in higher education in Mexico, that responds to the international labor market tendencies, and it is unique in Latin America.
We are bilingual, operating under an English-Spanish or Spanish-sign language pedagogical scheme, where courses are mostly offered in the second language, this implies that new students take an intensive immersion program in the second language during their first semester and reinforce their academic training in other languages throughout the career.
We are international, by demanding, not only the mastering of other languages, but also the acquisition of skills comparable to those obtained by graduates of other education systems abroad. We live internationalization on and off campus! Some of our students will have the opportunity to carry out internships in foreign institutions, in addition to having guest lecturer programs from abroad and the promotion of joint research talent with other international higher-level institutions.
We are sustainable, because, by adopting the BIS model, sustainability is immersed in the performance of all the strategic axes of the institution. The Sustainable University is based on the concept of Education for Sustainability, which proposes to promote a solidarity education that contributes to a correct perception of the state of the world, that is capable of generating attitudes and commitments, and that prepares citizens to take decisions that are informed and that are aimed at achieving the development of a culture which is plural, socially fair and ecologically sustainable, oriented towards the search of more comprehensive and intelligent models of interaction with ecosystems.
The BIS model is not exclusive for students, it impacts on all the university’s community: students, professors, staff-members, collaborators, and the society in general. This educational model invites us to learn, know, and become more and better citizens of the world.