These scholarships are aimed at all students who are enrolled in any of the educational programs of the Polytechnic of Santa Rosa.
It is awarded to distinguish students who have achieved the best grade point averages in the immediately preceding semester. This scholarship includes the forgiveness of up to 100% of the amount corresponding to the payment of the re-registration fee. Greater than or equal to 9.5 must be the immediately preceding average.
It is awarded to regular students who have a relevant sports and / or cultural participation in representative teams or groups of the University, or are enrolled in a Green Culture (sustainability) program participating in local, state, regional, national or international events. This scholarship includes the forgiveness of up to 90% of the amount corresponding to the payment of the re-registration fee. It is awarded to students who have maintained a minimum average of 8.0.
This scholarship includes the forgiveness of up to 70% of the amount corresponding to the payment of the re-registration fee. It is awarded to students who demonstrate that they do not have sufficient financial resources to continue their studies and maintain a minimum average of 8.0.
This scholarship includes the forgiveness of a defined percentage of the re-registration fee. It is awarded to regular students under the following characteristics: